Patrons’ Award
C. M. S. Old Grammarians Society - Americas
Established in July 2019 during the 160th Founder’s Day Anniversary celebration and the 10th Annual Convention of the CMS-OGS Americas held in Columbus, Ohio, the award was made to a member of the Society adjudged by the Patrons who had contributed to the growth and development of the society and served beyond the call of duty. The recipient of the first award was Mr. Olufemi Dada, Secretary of the Society. Subsequently, the Patrons decided to formalize the award and after a telephone conference on Monday, January 20, 2020, decided as follows:
A. The award shall be called ‘PATRONS’ AWARD’ of the CMS-OGS Americas.
B. Criteria of the Award:
The Award shall be made to any member of the Society who has satisfied the following conditions:
- i) A member in good financial standing
- ii) An active member who has participated in 75% or more of the monthly telephone conference calls as confirmed by official records.
- iii) A member who has served in one or more committees of the Society.
C. The Award
- i) The award shall be toward the recipient’s attendance of the Annual Convention of the year of the award in the amount not to exceed $1000.00 (One Thousand US Dollars) and
- ii) A plaque
- iii) The name and photograph of the recipient shall be placed in the program of the Annual Convention.
- iv) The Award shall be presented during the gala night and given prominence.
D. Selection:
- i) The Patrons shall decide, by consensus, the recipient of the award for the year.
- ii) The name of the recipient shall be forwarded to EXCO, not later than the first week of April, for notification of the recipient and implementation of the award.
E. Management of the Award:
- i) The Treasurer shall open a separate folio in the Society’s Account for the operations of the Award.
- ii) The Patrons shall fund the Award from time to time in the amounts agreed to by the Patrons.
- iii) The Patrons shall be the sole contributors into the account.
- iv) The Treasurer shall dispense the funds on the written directive of the Patrons.
- v) The plaques shall be prepared by EXCO in accordance with the standards of other plaques of the Society.
- vi) The Treasurer shall submit to the Patrons periodic Statements of Accounts for the purpose of ensuring availability of adequate funds in the account.
- vii) The Patrons reserve the right to modify or change the terms of the Award.
Osahon Ukponmwan, MD.
Nurudeen Olatunji Olambiwonnu, MD.
Samuel Adetola Adebonojo, MD.
20th January 2020